We had the opportunity to sit down with the owner of Hip Hop Dose to talk everything, business and music.
HHD: How did you get involved in creating Hip Hop Dose?
BM: I retired from music at age 30 and when I moved to Florida there were no real outlets to showcase new artist. I wanted to manage an artist of my own, but I wanted to provide a platform to showcase that artist. So I created Hip Hop Dose and start building the platform.
HHD: How many different businesses do you own?
BM: Honestly I am always creating. They always say every millionaire has seven (7) streams of income. I own a digital marketing company “The Brand Castle”, I am a real estate agent, a real estate investor, public notary, photographer, videographer and all around serial entrepreneur. I am into anything involved with creation. That’s why I love my company “The Brand Castle” because it allows me to create. Take something from the beginning that was nothing and make it into something that is great and also profitable.
HHD: On a music note, who are some of the artists you are listening to right now that the world may not know?
BM: I am a little bias when it comes to music because I like who I like and its usually people I feel who are talented and I personally want the world to hear. So if I had to name a few I listen too regularly would be Rell Jerv, Justina Valentine, Aymber, Ledoux and The Broken, Blast, and Tone C.
HHD: How important is entrepreneurship to your journey?
BM: I have been a creative all of my life. For me creativity turned into entrepreneurship because I was always creative, but it was when I realized how to monetize it ,entrepreneurship took off.
HHD: What advice would you give to someone looking to start their own business?
BM: If I had to give advice to someone looking to start a business is to actually just start. Most people have an idea for a long time and never put any action behind it. Secondly, I would recommend getting a mentor. A mentor that has successfully done what you are trying to do so they can tell you some failures, things they have experienced that will help you avoid for your journey.
HHD: Is there anything else you would like to say?
BM: Thank you to everyone who follows this platform, we have come a long way. Also follow me on all social networks at @barionmcqueen.
This content was originally published here.