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Exclusive Interview With Hip-Hop LA Rap Artist 'Batchelor'

Tell us a little about your music...

My music is my passion family. Its representative of me as an individual. I've grown up over the years, tried to mature etc. so as I've done such so my music has as well. A song I did in my 20s might not necessarily represent who I am now and that's what is so beautiful about my music. If you follow my tracks you can see and feel the growth and I'm greatful for a healthy outlet to share my passion with. I love sports so that has and will always be a part of my music. I've always felt like a bit of an underdog in the music game and in life a bit in general so I like to carry that mindset in the tracks. I'm motivated by the doubters and trash talkers. In my 20s I didn't understand that if somebody wasn't cool with you or talked bad about you that isn't necessarily a bad thing, now that I understand that I carry it with me in my music. Tracks like "Stumble," "Let it Go," and "Never Giving Up" all embody that attitude.

What city do you represent?

Highland Park California family which is a little town in Los Angeles California

How has being where you are from influenced your music and career?

It's subjected me to so many cultures and people it's amazing. Los Angeles is a mecca of talent and Highland Park which lies in Los Angeles allowed me to grow up close to that mecca but in the most special of environments. I'm very greatful for Highland Park. So close to all the sports teams, Dodgers, Clippers, Lakers, all which are embodied in my music. Not to mention all the great music studios and entertainment that's so close. For travel it feels like you can get to some of my favorite places quickly too, I mean if I wanna hit Vegas and bump "How to Ball" I can hop in the whip and it's a 3 hour drive.

How would you describe the music that you typically create?

The Music is just me fam, how I'm feeling. Like I drop a track called "Mask Life" it's really because Mask Life and pandemic life has me messed up. My emotions are everywhere at times as too is my music but more than anything it's just me fam, how I'm feeling.

What is your creative process like before and during the studio?

Before the studio I just make sure I'm ready. Got the verses down, beats sent to the engineer, make sure I'm good to go. I work a 8-5 job that involves a commute so I use the drive time to play the beats and go over verses in my head. When I get to the studio everything should be good to go, files sent, verses down. I make sure I have lots of fluids, perrier, water, maybe even a little iced tea or coffee for the caffeine, I normally do 4 hour sessions, goal is 5-10 projects/tracks and I'm out.

How much music do you have available online for fans and new listeners like myself?

Quite a bit fam. In or around 200 tracks I would say family. A couple albums, quite a few features and a whole lot of singles. Plenty more on the way family, trying to work on a few more EPs/albums...From the Vault Pt. 2 with heavy production from Big J Records and a mixtape with 42 Cloudz Beats coming this year family.

Who are some of your biggest influencers or favorite rappers in the music industry?

It has to start with Master P family. The work ethic with No Limit was motivational to me. The music was banging. Album covers were fire and more than anything he was consistent. Songs like "Make um say Ugh," "I Miss My Homies," "I Got the Hook Up"... I mean they got me going fam. C Murder, Mac, Fiend, all under the No Limit umbrella just made what P was doing all the more AMAZING. After P, artists like Tupac, Eminem, Biggie all were motivaional for the pure lyricism and ability to make hot hot music.

If you could work with any artist in the world (dead or alive), who would it be and why?

Tough fam....

I'm trying my best to make hits fam and Drake make hits...hes been making hits, so let's do it

Batchelor X Drake

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

It is what it is fam. The game sure has changed but everything so do it yourself now I feel like it's opened alot of doors. It's definitely saturated but hey it gives everyone a chance to pursue a dream. It's tough. It's a grind. But I'm cool with where it's at. I want that #1 spot though.

When it comes to branding and marketing your music, how do you distinguish yourself from another artist?

#Normalnotallowed fam. Created it. Registered it as a business. Created Normal Not Allowed Entertainment and now Doing my best to run with it on social media and best believe all releases from Batchelor are released under that Normal Not Allowed Entertainment umbrella.

Do you feel the Internet/Social Media has impacted the music business for indie artists such as yourself?

Most definitely fam. Love it or hate it social media has made it easier for many artists to chase dreams. It surely isn't easy but nothing great comes easy. I'm thankful for the doors social media and the Internet have opened for me. I'm thankful for meeting the Hip Hop Over Everything family.

If it wasn't for the net and the gram maybe we never meet. You guys have been so encouraging to me. Your always pushing and have always shown love to what I'm doing. Not alot of folks in this business bring that kind of love on the regular. I'm greatful for you guys. Feel like we rise together and the progress I've made i give thanks to to #HHOE

Which song from your music catalog would you considered fans to listen to that represent you as an artist?

So many choices fam...

I have to give Glory to God...If not for him I'm nothing so "Wonderful Things" with my Fam King David Tobi I do my best to give all Glory to him.

If I could make one more choice I have to say, "Moms & Pops" God has blessed me with amazing parents and on that track I give THANKS to them. They are my everything.

Tell us about your recent release and what inspired you to create such a masterpiece?

We Just dropped #driveby fam.

The idea came during the pandemic. We were stuck in the House. People that were outside, many were acting crazy, and in Los Angeles it's unfortunate but drive bys and shootings are way to frequent. As beautiful as our city its sad that sometimes there is an appeal to just staying at home with the family and watching a movie Because many people don't know how to act.... so yeah... with that idea and want to take a loose approach to a touchy topic out game "Drive By."

By any chance, do you have a video for your recent release or single? Tell us about the visual and the thought process behind the making of the video...

No official video fam but my dear friend and family N Wood and the @normalnotallowed team launched the #Drivebychallenge... We are encouraging everybody to upload a video with "Drive By" blasting and use the tags #Normalnotallowed, #Nwood, #Drivebychallenge... if you follow us on ig @normalnotallowed will be uploading the videos Family

Do you have any future projects you are currently working on at the moment?

Oh for sure fammm...

For The Win with Jaw$ is on the way then a new single produced by Pharaoh....

Super excited for this New From The Vault Project with fire production from Big J Records.

Any plans on going on tour this year or the near future?

No plans fam but plans for more and more music and content

Tell us something you love to do and admire besides being a musician and entertainer?

Shoot fam I Love sports particularly Dodgers baseball. I admire the athletes and love the history from BK to La. Nothing like watching a game o TV or being at the Ravine

What’s next for you as a hip-hop artist and entrepreneur in 2021 and beyond?

More music more projects more content fam.

HHOE CERTIFIED is all we need and we good to go #normalnotallowed

Follow Batchelor & Normal Not Allowed Family on Social Media

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